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Fishing Limited Development Update - Vol. 1 Fishing Limited Development Update - Vol. 1


Fishing Limited Development Update - Vol. 1

Hello everyone,
welcome to the first edition of our developments update, we will be showing you most of the progress made on Fishing Limited, which is still in early development.

Upgrade your fishing rod

As you may have already seen in the new fishing menu, accessed by left clicking your main fishing rod, you can modify your fishing rod. Until now, that wasn’t actually possible, but after some optimization it is possible to buy and add these modifications to your fishing rod.

Fishing Rod Modifications

A quick view at an Improvised Bobber in its slot.

Going shopping

You can’t just go and get this stuff for free, nothing’s free in life after all, there was some background work to make the adding of items and designation to shops easier for our Writing staff.
The shops atuomatically pull updated shop data which means that newly created items don’t need to be hardcoded and can be implemented in a quick manner.
This also takes care of different shops in multiple regions.


Get all information on what you are going to buy

More Fish? MORE FISH!

We expanded our team with an additional writer, welcome Mathilda. She will take time to research fishes and already added over 50 fishes to the loot table!
In the future Mathilda will look into NPC quests and fishing rod upgrades.

Loot Table

The loot table is growing and growing

Block by block

Ben is currently hard at work doing the first major city for our fishing campaign. I’ve seen some stuff and I’ve must say, Wow. I don’t think I’m allowed to share any pictures.

Pixels coming soon ™

Some of you might have noticed, that we aren’t using any Image for the Discord or in general to identify Fishing Limited apart from the Fishing Rod item. This is due to no graphics being present, I’m currently in the talks to get graphics done so you can feel better looking at the Discord.


This concludes the first development update of Fishing Limited. We are hard at work and are doing a lot to ensure that we will exceed our own expectations. Be sure to tune in next time for more development news!

Keep fishing!



22 August 2022